Common Questions
What is the difference between a General Dentist and an Orthodontist?
Dentists cover a broad range of oral health issues, including cavities, gum disease, and missing teeth. An orthodontist is a dentist who undertook 3 years of full time studies and training to specialize in diagnosing and treating misalignment of your teeth and jaws.
What is the best age to start orthodontic treatment?
There is no such thing as the "best" age to start orthodontic treatment. You can start your orthodontic treatment at any age. However, it is best to get an orthodontic evaluation by age 7 to gauge whether your child requires early treatment to help optimize growth and development and avoid more serious future issues.
Do I need a referral from my dentist to see an orthodontist?
No referral is needed! You can bring your child for an orthodontic evaluation with or without a referral form by age 7. Patients do not need a referral from a dentist to visit us. Individuals who want to straighten their teeth and jaw can visit our office — whether that is for cosmetic or oral health reasons.
Do I still need to see my general dentist during treatment?
Yes! Your general dentist will keep your teeth and gums healthy while your orthodontist focuses on your orthodontic progress. Wearing braces increases the area for plaque retention – all the more reason to visit your regular dentist.
Does getting braces hurt?
As with any orthodontic treatment, you may feel discomfort after adjusting your braces or changing aligners. It is because we are moving your teeth closer to their ideal position.
Will I need to have any teeth removed?
Pulling teeth is only done if absolutely necessary to create more space in cases wherein a patient has small jaws or excessive crowding of teeth. Most children do not require extraction of teeth, but it is always best to come in for an assessment by age 7 so we can monitor and plan what treatment might be needed.
How can I take care of my teeth if I'm wearing braces?
Brushing and flossing can get more challenging when wearing braces. You can use special orthodontic toothbrushes to brush your teeth and brackets efficiently. You can also use a floss threader or a water flosser to clean the areas between your teeth easily.
How to clean & care for my Invisalign® aligners?
Do not brush your clear aligners to prevent scratching the material, making your aligners prone to plaque retention and deformation. When removed, always place your clear aligners in your aligner's case to avoid losing your aligners or breaking them.
How do I schedule my next appointment?
Simply call our office at 306-773-1213. Our administrative team members will be happy to help schedule your next appointment at your convenience. If you are a new patient or have been referred to our office, please let us know, and we will provide you with all the information you need.